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2018 Spirituality Lecture

Tuesday 29th May 2018

6.00pm to 8.30pm

"What are we doing on Earth, for Christ's sake?" ...A conversation with Richard Leonard SJ.


Richard Leonard SJ

鈥淲hat are We doing on Earth for Christ鈥檚 Sake?鈥

鈥溾 Christian ethical behaviour 鈥 connects our real lives with others so that we might be the best people we can be. At its best, it is never moralising but allows a tradition with ancient roots of reflecting on human nature for two thousand years to adapt it to the here and now. I find聽that聽liberating.鈥 Richard Leonard

成人综合网 invites our community to attend a special evening for adults with a focus on how to find meaning in today鈥檚 world. A challenging mixture of spirituality and life experience, this informal event includes a light meal, lecture and discussion with a prominent Australian theologian who lectures internationally and writes on faith and culture:聽Richard Leonard,听SJ, is a writer and film critic who has written and spoken about cinema, culture, and faith on four continents. An Australian Jesuit with advanced degrees in theology and film, Leonard is the director of the Australian Catholic Film Office. As well as his interest in cinema, he has written books including Where the Hell is God? Why Bother Praying? 聽and What are We Doing on Earth for聽Christ鈥檚聽Sake?

Parents get the most out of their child鈥檚 Catholic education when they commit to reinforcing at home the values taught in the classroom. Catholic education prepares our children to be people of moral conscience, social justice and community; things that make it possible for them as adults to be contributors to a better society. The power of a Catholic education is that it is more than lessons from a textbook; it is also lessons in life. This lecture series for adults is designed to engage parents with perspectives on the Catholic faith that will support their conversations with聽their聽sons.

Richard Leonard SJ will speak at 成人综合网 on Tuesday 29 May, 6pm, Senior Library.聽

Attendance is free of charge. Please register your attendance at the link below.

Location: 成人综合网 Senior Library

Please register your attendance at this event by clicking on the link below