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Safe and Inclusive Learning Communities

³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø provides a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students

In May 2017 Edmund Rice Education Australia released its policy document ‘Live Life to the Full’, the organisation’s response to providing safe and inclusive learning environments for all students, in particular for same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people.

In part, the Statement says:

Our sacred scripture reminds us (Genesis 1) that each and every person is made in the image and likeness of God; therefore each person has their own inherent dignity and is intended by God to grow to fullness. For EREA, this means supporting each person to achieve growth and liberation through pastoral as well as academic and co-curricular support.

Our schools have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that each student receives an education free from discrimination and bullying, irrespective of their sexual orientation and gender. More importantly, Edmund Rice inspires us to give particular care to young people who might otherwise be excluded and rejected.

Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition recognise that to be inclusive communities, students, parents, caregivers and other family members, as well as staff must be valued in all their diversity.

Download the 'Live Life to the Full" Statement

'Live Life to the Full" PDF